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Pelvic Floor Pain and Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Debunking the Myth

At Advanced Pelvic Health Solutions, we frequently hear from patients who believe their pelvic pain is solely due to pelvic organ prolapse. Many come to us under the impression that addressing the prolapse—either through surgery or physical therapy—will make the pain disappear. Some have already undergone surgery to correct the prolapse, yet the pain persists, leaving them wondering, “Why am I still in pain?”

Once we begin an examination and test the pelvic floor muscles, patients often feel the exact pain they’ve been experiencing all along, even though the prolapse has been corrected. This raises an important question: If the prolapse is no longer the issue, why does the pain remain?

The truth we want to share with you today is that pelvic organ prolapse doesn’t cause pain. Whether it’s a bladder, uterine, or rectal prolapse—these conditions themselves do not hurt. So, what’s causing the pain? The answer lies in the pelvic floor muscles (PFM).

Your pelvic floor muscles may be overworked and exhausted. These muscles have likely been compensating for years, providing support to your organs, enduring the strain of pregnancy (sometimes multiple pregnancies), and maintaining your core stability for everyday activities. Over time, this excessive workload can lead to significant discomfort and pain, as the muscles essentially become fatigued and start "screaming" for relief.

What Can You Do?

The solution begins with working with a pelvic floor physical therapist. Here’s the plan of action:

1. Manual Muscle Release: A pelvic floor physical therapist will first use hands-on techniques to release tension in your pelvic floor muscles.

2. Self-Release Techniques: You'll learn how to release these muscles on your own for ongoing relief.

3. Core Muscle Evaluation and Strengthening: We’ll assess the strength of your entire core, including:

  • Diaphragm
  • Abdominal muscles
  • Back muscles
  • Pelvic floor muscles

At Advanced Pelvic Health Solutions, our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to correct improper pressure systems in your body—issues that may have developed over time due to misuse or overuse. With our guidance, you'll learn how to manage your condition and take control of your healing.

Our Comprehensive Plan for Recovery

We’ll guide you through:

  • Understanding Your Core Muscles: Identifying where these muscles are, learning how to release them when they’re tight, and how to strengthen them safely without causing further injury.
  • Returning to Daily Activities: You’ll learn how to perform everyday tasks without placing undue stress on your organs, while also using these activities to safely strengthen your core.

By following this plan, you can protect yourself from unnecessary surgeries, such as bladder lifts, rectal reconstruction, or hysterectomies.

Take the first step toward lasting relief today. Call us to book your consultation and begin your journey to recovery.

Advanced Pelvic Health Solutions

The leader in Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Central Florida.